Meet Your Moments

Meeting Your Moments is the essence of leadership. Recognizing these moments is the first step in becoming a great leader. A person that inspires and influences others. I help you and your enterprise become great leaders by installing a leadership mindset throughout the organization. We can do it one on one, with teams, or with companywide training.

I help CEO's and leadership teams design strategy and implement permanent culture change through immersive workgroups and leadership development.

If you have landed on this page and are reading this, you know it is time to invest in your people, your company’s culture, and yourself. I look forward to hearing from you.

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About Me

Meet Scott Connors

I have always been a learner. Although learning is a life-long endeavor, my business experiences since early childhood have taught me more than enough to teach, lead, and train others. 

Over the past 36 years, I have held most corporate titles. CEO, CFO, COO, President, Sales Director, Delivery Driver, Warehouse Worker, Loading Dock, Assembly Line, Marketing, AP Clerk, AR Clerk, Controller, Account Manager, Etc.

My current role as Chief Change Officer allows me to engage with multiple organizations simultaneously. This opportunity has been a primary catalyst for the services I offer to companies and Venture Capital enterprises of different shapes and sizes. I am industry agnostic and prefer to work for those that are ready, willing, able to, and need change.

Below is a summary of the services I provide virtually or, as necessary, in person.


Menu of Services

Culture Evaluation

Working with various teams to access the health of the enterprise, its leadership, culture, and financial circumstance.

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Change Program

After evaluation comes change. This is an immersive proprietary program developed to move a company’s culture.

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Measurement, analysis and reporting on the potential of leaders at each level of the enterprise.

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Strategy & Planning

Vision / Mission / Values – This work is done through C – Suite Executives and then through company wide participation.

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Financial Review & Forecasting

Detailed review of assets, liabilities, profit and loss accuracy, balance sheet forensics, issues, and opportunities.

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Sales Training & Development

A highly successful yet unconventional approach to sales leadership training more effective in our modern times.

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Working with VC’s, Corporate Boards, and Senior Leadership teams to access the health of the enterprise, its leadership, culture, and financial circumstance. This 360° view allows clients a clear line of site vision into understanding and evaluating an organization’s present state along with its potential for improvement, growth, and future opportunity. 

The deliverable is a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise in its present state to obtain an educated estimate on enterprise present value, set the framework for a go forward training and education platform with recommended curriculum, and establish an informative intrinsic future value framework of the investment opportunity.

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Immersive proprietary program developed to move a company’s culture. The work focuses on empowerment, alignment and assignment, balance sheet health through profit and loss performance, Leadership and Sales Training, and one on one coaching. Some of the tools implemented include Workgroups / Huddles / Quick Connects / and the design and implementation of the correct vision, mission, and core values.

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  • Leader and Leadership Assessments – Measurement, analysis and reporting on the strength of the character, performance, and performance potential of leaders at each level of the enterprise. One important tool utilized is where the leader currently resides on a leadership scale from ego to empathy, and what kinetic potential for change and improvement resides within the individual.

  • Leadership Development & Training – Mindful multiple Group settings, depending on organizational structure, designed to create a leadership mindset throughout the enterprise. This is a mission critical element for all enterprises whose mission is to be great, big, or both. 

  • Leader Training – Individual – Immersive individual training customized to each person depending where they are on their leadership journey.

  • Chief Executive Officer / Founder / President – Training & Education with or without Shareholder presence.

  • CEO Training – One on one weekly sessions designed to improve performance.

  • C - Suite Team Building – On or off-site team building designed to create unity, create transparency, and the creation of a high performing team of teams accountable to shareholders, stakeholders, and employees.

  • C - Suite Participation – Being present in C - Suite meetings to assist with advisory services, vision, mission, and core value implementation along with priority setting, strategy design, and execution buy in.

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Vision / Mission / Values – This work is done through C – Suite and then company wide participation. The intent is to create these items while educating the enterprise employees on the importance of these statements of work and how to implement them into company culture. The main doctrine installed is the mission and its core values are to the boss. They guide us through our decision making. This installs decentralized decision making opening the enterprise for scale.

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  • Comprehensive Analysis of all finance pillars – Detailed Due diligence of a company’s assets, liabilities, profit and loss accuracy, balance sheet forensics, strengths, weaknesses, issues, and opportunities.

  • Fractional CFO Services – Virtual / fractional engagement to augment a gap of service with the intent to provide technical reporting, capital requirement acquisition through performance enhancements or outside providers, while leading the accounting department through change and process management.

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The art of selling has changed more than the pace of technological innovation over the past two decades. The essence of the transaction, by definition, looks nothing like it did 20 years ago. My approach to sales leadership and training has been defined as highly successful yet unconventional.

The philosophical mindset shift begins with the implementation of my cardinal rule… Never, ever sell. As soon as you do, you’re done.

  • Sales Director – Virtual / Fractional engagement take command and control of sales groups or teams with an emphasis on revenue per customer growth and new market(s) expansion.

  • Team Analysis – Performed for new ownership prior to or directly after acquisition. Comprehensive, immersive deep dive into each sales representative’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for development and strength of relationships with existing customers / clients.

  • Team Training – Proprietary team training with primary focus on increasing top line revenue through four step customer engagement process with an emphasis on never sell and relationship first.

  • Individual Training – building the career opportunities and success of sales personnel regardless of level of experience or current performance index.

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Looking for a change officer to transform your enterprise?

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